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Privacy policy

Grupo Santander is committed to respecting the privacy of the users of Common API Portal (hereinafter, the “Platform”), as well as to the protection and security of their personal data. Accordingly, Grupo Santander has designed a privacy notice and implemented the resources and procedures necessary for the execution of it.

  1. Identification of the data controller

Data Controller: Banco Santander, S.A. (hereinafter "Banco Santander").
Tax Identification number: A-39000013
Registered office: Santander, Paseo de Pereda, 9-12, Spain.
E-mail Address:

  1. Information and consent

By means of this Privacy Policy you are informed of the manner in which Banco Santander collects, processes and protects the personal data provided by users of the Platform.

This Privacy Policy has been drafted using a clear and plain language in order for it to be easily understood by the users, with the aim of ensuring that they can freely determine whether they wish to provide their personal data to Banco Santander.

  1. Obligatory nature of providing the data

The data requested in the registration form in order to register in the Platform are, in general, necessary for the purposes for which the data is collected. In the cases where this is not applicable, it will be pointed out in the corresponding field of the form.

Therefore, in the event that the necessary data is not duly and correctly provided, it will not be possible to contact the user or complete the registration in the platform.

Whenever the personal data provided in the registration form has been obtained from a third party, the user shall inform to such third party of the terms enunciated in this Privacy Policy. In order to ensure that consent is obtained, and the further applicable requirements for the communication of personal data to Banco Santander are fulfilled according to the applicable regulations.

  1. Purposes of the processing and storage period

The personal data collected will be processed by Banco Santander for the purposes of:

  • Attending the contact and/or registration requests, and

  • Managing the use of the Platform by authorized users.

These purposes imply handling the request for the registration of the company, and the communications to the users of information about the products and/or services contracted and any other functionality offered in the Platform.

The data will be stored for the time required for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes, and even longer, for managing any legal responsibilities related to the processing.

  1. Legal basis for the processing

The legal basis for processing personal data in order to achieve the aforementioned purpose is the consent provided by you, as a company representative.

  1. Recipients of the personal data

The personal data of the user may be disclosed to:

  • The parent company, in accordance to the Terms & Conditions of the Platform. In this sense, the use of the platform by the organization implies that the parent company shall access and be able to view all the information pertaining to its subsidiaries.

  • In case it was necessary in order to obtain information of, access, or operate the product and/or services contracted, to the company part of Grupo Santander, Santander UK plc.

  • Governmental agencies, Tax Agency, Judges and Courts and, in general, competent Authorities, when Banco Santander has the legal obligation to provide them.

In some cases, at the request of the client, international transfer of data will be made to the aforementioned recipients or other recipients that resulted necessary, in order to attend the aforementioned request. In these cases, such international transfers shall duly comply with the conditions established in the applicable data protection regulations.

  1. Rights of the data subjects

According to the law, users are entitled to exercise the following rights:

  • Right to obtain confirmation on whether or not his/her personal data is being processed.

  • Right to access the personal data.

  • Right to rectify inaccurate personal data concerning him/her.

  • Right to obtain from Banco Santander the erasure of personal data concerning him/her.

  • Right to obtain from Banco Santander restriction of processing when any of the requirements established in the applicable regulations apply.

  • Right to request the portability of the data in the cases provided in the applicable regulations.

  • Right to withdraw his or her consent. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, were the user to withdraw his/her consent, Banco Santander would have the right to cancel the registration of the company in the Platform.

You can exercise these rights by sending a written letter to the Privacy Office of Banco Santander, Calle Gran Vía de Hortaleza 3, 28033 - Madrid or an email through In any case, you must attach a copy of your Passport or your National Identification Document.

  1. Safety measures

In accordance with applicable legislation, Banco Santander has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to maintain the level of safety required for the protection of personal data. Likewise, specific mechanisms have been applied in order to prevent, to the extent possible, unauthorized access, unlawful removal or modification, and data loss.

  1. Changes

Banco Santander holds the right to review its Privacy Policy whenever it considers it necessary, in which case it shall inform the users of such changes. In view of this, it is recommended that the users check on a regular basis this Privacy Policy to read its updated version.

  1. Acceptance and consent

The user declares that has been properly informed of the conditions regarding the protection of his/her personal data and consents to follow the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

Last update: 18th December 2018.