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Cookies policy

  1. Responsible entity

By means of this notice, Banco Santander SA, a company registered with the Bank of Spain (Banco de España) under number 0049, with registered office in Santander, Paseo de Pereda, 9-12, with NIF A-39000013 and registered at the Mercantile Registry of Santander, Page 286, Folio 64, Book 5 of Companies, Registration 1, owner of this web page (hereinafter, "the Bank" or the "Owner of the Website" indistinctly), informs the Users of the Web (hereinafter, the "Portal") about its Cookies Policy, so that they have knowledge of the cookies that will be used during their browsing through the Portal and can give their consent to them.

  1. Concept of cookies

Cookies are files that are stored on a user’s computer when navigating the Internet and that, in particular, contain a number that allows the user’s computer to be unequivocally identified, even if the user changes locations or IP addresses.

Cookies are installed while navigating the Internet, either by websites that the user visits or by third parties with which the website engages, and allows the latter to become aware of the user’s activity on the same site, or on others with which it engages, for instance: the location from which it accesses the site, connection time, the device from which it accesses (fixed or mobile), the operating system and navigator used, most-visited websites, number of clicks, and the data regarding the user’s behaviour on the Internet.

The website can be accessed without needing the cookies to be activated, although deactivation may prevent the site from operating correctly. In case the user decides not to send cookies to our systems, they can be "deactivated" from their browser by deleting them from their browsing history -cache- when the visit ends.

  1. Authorization for the use of cookies

In accordance with the cookies notice that appears at the foot of the website, users of or visitors to the page accept that, when navigating the site, they expressly consent to the use of cookies as described below, except insofar as the configuration of their navigator has been modified in order to reject the use of cookies.

  1. Types of cookies used on the website

The user that navigates the website may find cookies inserted directly by the Owner as described in the following section:

    1. Strictly necessary cookies inserted by the owner

The Owner of the website uses strictly necessary cookies that can be used to facilitate the correct navigation of the website as well as ensure that the content thereof is effectively loaded.

Additionally, personalization cookies are used to compile statistical data related to the users’ activity on the website, in order to be able to improve the services provided to users by analyzing navigation habits.

Following the guidelines of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, below, the use of cookies made by the Portal site is detailed.

You can find in the following table the detail of the cookies we use when a user enters the Portal according to their purposes:



Expiry Date


“SSESS” + sessionToken

1 month

Session cookie



Confirm whether user has Javascript enabled or not


3 months

Confirm whether user has accepted cookies policy or not

    1. Third party cookies

Below are detailed, according to their purpose, the different types of third-party cookies that can be downloaded to your computer when using the Portal and that are sent to your computer or terminal by a domain or computer managed by a third party other than the Owner of the Web.

  • Analytical cookies: These enable the cookie administrators to track and analyse the behavior of users of the associated website and create navigation profiles for site users, in order to make improvements based on the analysis of data on the use regarding the offer of products and/or services.

You can find in the following table the detail of the cookies we use when a user enters the Portal according to their purposes:



Expiry Date



2 years

Google Analytics


1 day

Google Analytics


1 year

Google Analytics

  1. Revocation of the authorization for the use of cookies and browser settings

The Owner reminds its users that the use of cookies may be subject to its acceptance during the installation or update of the browser used by them.

Once the Cookies are installed, the user may at any time choose to revoke their consent and eliminate them. To do so the Owner recommends that its users consult the help section of its navigator or access the help pages of the following main navigators:

Internet Explorer

  1. Update of the cookies policy and contact

This Cookies Policy may be modified by the Owner depending on the cookies used in the Portal.

The Owner recommends you to review this policy each time you access our website in order to be adequately informed about how and why we use cookies and may be aware of any change in the type of data collected.

If the user would like to make any queries about the Website’s Cookies Policy or to revoke the previously provided consent, please contact the Owner at the following email address:, indicating “Cookies Policy” in the subject field.